Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fighting Cancer through Fasting

Fasting will break down tumors. For this reason, many have overcome cancer with fasting. Water fasting is a powerful way to fight cancer but it may not be enough.  We recommend water fasting combined with days of juice fasting to rebuild the body and supply the nutrients that enable healing
Cancer fights for the body's resources.  The wasting away seen in cancer is from the cancer consuming the glucose in the blood. To battle cancer with fasting the best choice is a combination of water fasting and juice fasting using 2-5 classes of juice per day, including green leafy vegetable like spinach, chard, or parsley to maintain strength and support the body's immune system. This may require 2-3 fast over 14 days long alternating to a diet high in raw foods. Essiac Tea, Jason Winters Herbal Tea are some of the herbal combination proven in fighting cancer.

The key to battling cancer with juice fasting is small amount of low-calorie nutrition packed juice.  Thus you get maximum scouring.  Some persistent forms of cancer may take 40 days of fasting.  Move into the fast quickly, it is a race against time especially in pancreatic cancer or any aggressive cancer.

You will most likely be without hunger throughout the fast. The absence of hunger can last days or weeks making the fast easy to stay on.

Fasting tip: Dizziness

You may experience dizziness, if you do get down on one knee and the dizziness will stop immediately.

Chemotherapy or Radiation

If you choose to undergo chemotherapy or radiation, juice fasting or make fresh  juice daily and eating a raw food diet will support the body in combating the negative effects of chemotherapy.
Most experts agree that in order to achieve health benefits through water fast, you need not to fast longer then 40 - 60 days. Experts disagree on the exact number of days, but many agree that enemas are beneficial during the water fast.

Most experts agree that fasting for longer then 60 days may not be health-wise.
Most experts also agree that you should be meditating during the water fast. You should not be lifting weights, running, biking or swimming. Any harsh physical activity could cost you your life. That is the main difference between water fasting and juice fasting. People on juice fasting or Master Cleanse are consuming a lot of calories and are able to lift weights, run, bike or swim.

Another important thing for water fasting is that you should not be exposed to cold temperature. It is much easier to water fast in India where people don't need much clothes to keep healthy body temperature, then it is to Water Fast on Alaska where in order to keep body temperature, body need to burn large amount of energy.

Long time Water Fasting during the winter months in central and northern Europe or northern America may not be health-wise. Summer (June, July, August ... ) would be the better time.

Another important thing for water fasting is that you should not be exposed to polluted air. It is much better to live far from any large city, then to fast in the city. People can become extremely sensitive to pollutions during the water fast and any pollution may cause sickness.

Quality of water is extremely important.

Sunlight is extremely important during the water fast. You should exposed your skin to morning and evening sun (as long as you feel comfortable), but protect yourself from too strong mid-day sun.
Before going on water fast, you should be fasting on a vegan diet for some time.

When you start the water fast, your large intestine should be empty. Enema or colonics are considered better way of emptying the bowel, then laxative herbs.

When water fasting, you should not be taking any medications. If you are dependent on medications, you can not water fast!

The average person, not familiar with fasting, believes he will certainly die if he misses a meal. When you hear of a person dying after being lost in the woods or at sea for two or three days. It was not lack of food that caused his death, but it was panic and fear that killed him. Most people in fairly good health can go for many days without food but the body must have water. 

Before you choose to go on a water fast, you should you should read at least one good book about Water Fasting.

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